Monday, September 22, 2008

I'm not really a ninja...

...BUT according to the LightBot game I'm ready to be a programmer (that's always good to know!).
I liked the game, It's simple but fun to play and the way of thinking really resembles the one you need to program for real. Besides, the robot is really cute!

Game instructions

Get the little robot to turn on the lights in all blue tiles.

The robot moves to the instructions provided in the right hand side of the screen.
The main method area is where your bot receives his orders from. You drag the instructions f
rom the top row into this field. The robot will cycle through these instructions.
You can choose from forward, right, left, jump, activate light and two function blocks.
These functions are declared in function field 1 and 2. This is a way to make it possible to repeat extensive instructions. Use this to reduce code as the main instruction field is limited to only 12 instructions.

Providing extensive instruction, making clever use of these function files is the main challenge in this game.

Here are some pics from the last levels but you will have to find the solutions for yourselves (and if you're lucky you might get some help when you're stuck like I did!).

As you can see I've been working A LOT these days...


Anonymous said...

A good game indeed, the only letdown came as I tried to build a recursion in following fashion:

F1 = ->,->,Ω,F1

Sadly enough, you have to use an ending algorithm to finish the levels.

Anonymous said...

I'm always happy to help =)